Seeing Spots.... Or Dots

During the next three days, I have some cute and quick nail art tutorials for you guys that are centered around... dots! Here's day one.

1. Apply your base colour. I used Turned Up Turquoise from China Glaze.

2. Using a large dotting tool, make 5 dots at the top of the nail, ensuring they follow a pattern.

3. Using a slightly smaller dotting tool, make three dots.

4. Using another smaller dotting tool, make 5 more dots.

5. Finally, using the smallest dotting tool you have, make 3 dots. Your final design should come to a point towards the cuticle (dots should form a triangle).

Here are the dotting tools I used. A pin stuck into a pencil eraser makes a great large dotter. A pen tip is good for a medium size. And mechanical pencils and flossers are good for tiny dots. Tooth picks work really well too.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's tutorial.

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